Care when you need it
- Same-day and weekend appointments
- After hours medical care and advice for urgent needs
- Access to MyChart for non-urgent needs
- Symptom Checker to help decide what care is needed and how to get relief
- For medication dosages based on weight, refer to the handy charts below
Medication dosages
The following tables are intended to give general dosing guidelines for certain medications. If there are questions between the information here and the information on the label, always go by the information on the label.
Fever: A temperature greater than 100.4°F is considered a fever. For infants younger than 2 months old, please do not treat fever at home; instead bring your child in to be seen by a physician. Please use a digital probe thermometer in the first few months of life. These can be used either in the armpit or in the rectum. Please do not use ear, forehead or pacifier thermometers for young infants as they can be unreliable.
Cough and cold medicines: Not recommended for children under the age of 4 years old, as they are not effective and can lead to harmful side effects. Your physician may make exceptions in certain situations but please clear it with them first.
Additional information is available from the Centers for Disease Control.