According to Tobacco-Free Kids, “Teen use of electronic cigarettes has skyrocketed, with the most recent surveys showing that e-cigarette use now exceeds cigarette smoking among U.S. youth.”
“It’s not surprising. E-cigarette manufacturers continue to use marketing tactics that come right out of Big Tobacco’s playbook for promoting regular cigarettes to kids.”
Here are 5 things parents need to know:
Use is expanding rapidly
A recent statewide survey indicated that in the past 30 days, 18% of 10th graders and 23% of 12th graders had used electronic cigarettes. E-cigarette use has now surpassed conventional tobacco smoking among high school students.
Not considered safe
Most e-cigarettes come from China where quality control is limited. Current research indicates e-cigarettes may allow more exposure to cancer causing agents, such as formaldehyde, than with conventional tobacco.
Won’t help you quit
Current data indicates that use of e-cigarettes doesn’t lead to quitting smoking. It’s considered more likely that e-cigarettes could lead to tobacco addiction in young people, with the likelihood they will become long-term smokers.
Minimal regulation
Calls to poison control centers have skyrocketed within the past two years because of liquid from e-cigarettes. Sadly, a one-year-old in New York State died last December from ingesting liquid nicotine from an e-cigarette.
Marketed to children
It’s no coincidence that some of the more than 7,000 flavors include bubble gum, gummy bear, and cotton candy. Big tobacco is now selling these products, and they are very easy to get.
Get Help Quitting
Pierce County Health Department’s smoking cessation page offers excellent resources to help you give up tobacco, vaping or e-cigarettes. You can also try their free Smartphone App: SmartQuit
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